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April 21, 2023


    Indoor Program

    The launch of Road Safety Action International was a resounding success, attracting partners from across the road transport sector, as well as government officials and members of the public. The event took place at the office of the organization, with over 100 invited guests in attendance. The keynote speaker, Mr. Gregory T. Blamo, Secretary General of the Liberian National Red Cross Society (LNRCS), in his speech, emphasized the importance of road safety, and the need for collaboration between all stakeholders to achieve safer roads. He stressed the strain road fatalities and injuries are putting on the global economy and pinpointed the precarious situation in the global south. He also stressed the devastation that road accidents are having on young people, with statistics indicating that those aged 5–29 are highly affected. The keynote speaker further elaborated on the risk factors that lead to motor accidents. He also commended Road Safety Action International for its farsightedness in establishing a civil society organization that joins in the effort of advocating for road safety improvement.

    The chief launcher, Juah Cassell, Deputy Minister for Administration and Public Safety at the Ministry of Justice, officially launched road safety into operation, cut the ribbon, and opened the office of the organization. In her launch remark, the Minister spoke about the government's commitment to improving road safety and highlighted the efforts the government has made to strengthen road safety, especially through the establishment of the National Road Safety Secretariat. The minister stressed the government's willingness to partner with Road Safety Action International in fulfilling its aims and objectives, which are aligned with the government’s plan for road safety nationwide. The event was also attended by several high-profile guests, including representatives from major multilateral development institutions, including the World Bank, the African Development Bank, and the development community, including the European Union Delegation to Liberia, the UK Embassy, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Liberian National Red Cross Society, etc., and members of the public who had been affected by road accidents.
    Hon. Juah Cassell

    In his statement outlining the reasons for the establishment of the organization, the Founder and Executive Director, Engr. Eric Gabriel Jenn-Judgges, a specialized transport engineer who had executed many road transport projects across the African continent, expressed unfavorable encounters with the devastation that road accidents are causing on the lives of the people the road transport network is supposed to help. He believes that Road Safety Action International would make a significant contribution to improving road safety by restructuring the way, awareness, education, enforcement, and regulation of the road environment are conducted. Outline the structure of the organization, which is divided into four departments: road safety awareness and education, road safety policy and advocacy, and road safety data collection. In his final remark, the Executive Director thanks the partners, especially the WHO, EU, USAID, LNRCS, MOH, MOT, MPW, and many others, for their continuous support in the fight to improve the road environment.

    He spelled out the organization's mission, vision, and goals for the future. Lastly, but most importantly, he highlighted the importance of data-driven solutions and the need for increased awareness and education around road safety issues. Overall, the launch of Road Safety Action International was a highly successful event with a strong message of collaboration and commitment to improving road safety. The presence of a wide range of stakeholders, including development partners, government officials, and members of the public, highlighted the importance of this issue to all sectors of society. With the support of these partners and the wider community, the RSAI is well-positioned to make a significant impact on this critical issue.

    Outdoor Program

    The launch of Road Safety Action International was a momentous occasion, marking the official opening of the organization's office and the start of its efforts to improve road safety for all. The launch was attended by a variety of individuals, including members of the national government, representatives from the development community, organizations, and businesses, and concerned citizens who are passionate about road safety.

    The launch began with the indoor program, which saw scores of speeches. After the speeches, the official ribbon-cutting ceremony took place. The ribbon, which was emblazoned with the organization’s colors, was cut by the Chief Launcher, Hon. Juah Cassell, and the Keynote Speaker, Mr. Gregory T. Blamoh. The ribbon cutting was accompanied by cheers and applause from the attendees, who were thrilled to see the organization finally open its doors. Following the ribbon cutting, the attendees were invited to take a tour of the organization's new office. The space was thoughtfully designed, with bright white colors and billboard graphics highlighting the organization's mission and values. There were interactive exhibits and displays, that showcased the dangers of distracted driving. The unveiling of the 3D billboard was a highlight of the launch program. The billboard was situated in a white fence location outside the office, visible to all who passed by. It depicted realistic visibility, which is one of the key messages to the driving public: observe road signs and symbols. The image, designed to be attention-grabbing, was electronically lit, with the green, amber, and red being simulated in alternating format like a real traffic light.
    Hon. Juah Cassell

    Throughout the launch program, there were opportunities for attendees to learn more about the organization's initiatives and to get involved in their efforts. Overall, the launch of Road Safety Action International was a resounding success. It marks the beginning of a new chapter in the fight to improve road safety and inspires individual citizens to take action in their own communities. With the new office and the dedicated team behind it, the organization was poised to make a real difference in the lives of those affected by road accidents.

Program Photos

Mr. Eric Gabriel Jenn-Judgges

Mr. Jenn-Judgges

Executive Director

Hon. Juah Cassell

Hon. Juah Cassell

Deputy Minister for Administration and Public Safety

RSAI Team, Left to Right, Benedict, Cosmas, Jacob Wrochelle, Emmanuel, Patience, and Abraham Varnie


Left to Right, Benedict, Cosmas, Jacob Wrochelle, Emmanuel, Patience, and Varnie



At the officla Launch

Mr. Roland L. Giddings and Mr. Delino Bryant in front role.

Private Sector Representatives

Pullup banner displaying the Global Plan and the Decade of Action


Road Safety Action International
