Road traffic injury prevention

Training Manual


The Road Traffic Injury Prevention Training Manual was officially launched in New Delhi on 4 December 2006 by the Transport Research and Injury Prevention Programme (TRIPP) of the Indian Institute of Technology and WHO.

This training manual will equip users with useful information on how to:
  • Measure the magnitude and impact of road traffic injuries
  • Assess the key risk factors
  • Strengthen the evidence base for prevention
  • Implement promising interventions
  • Deliver post-crash care
  • Foster multisectoral collaboration
  • Formulate and implement road safety policies
The manual has been designed for a multidisciplinary audience including medical doctors and nurses, transport and road engineers, vehicle safety professionals, law enforcers, policymakers, urban planners and social scientists. It is composed of seven complementary units. Each unit is designed to promote interaction and action and includes learning objectives, examples, learning activities and practical exercises. Each unit is entirely independent and can be taught or learned separately. The structure of the manual also encourages facilitators and trainers to customize the content for different audiences.

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